Schedule Overview

Schedule Overview of Weekend Events

For more detail, please visit our Detailed Weekend Schedule

Friday Night – Opening Ceremony, Registration, and Program

The conference starts Friday evening with a buffet dinner between 6:00 and 7:00 p.m. And at 7:30 pm, we will have our Gathering Kick-off, then small group sharing, a Camp Fire Gathering and Snacks/Fellowship in the Dining Hall.
When you arrive (starting at 4:00 p.m.), you will register and select your small group and workshop(s). We will offer a brief orientation session for men and boys who are new to our Men’s Gathering, as well as those who just want a refresher on what to expect from the weekend.
Plan to arrive between 6 – 7 pm for dinner time and opening program at 7:30 p.m. and spend the weekend enjoying the beauty of Prince William Forest National Park and the companionship of men.

Saturday Morning Ritual

Awaken to flute playing and poetry during an mid-September morning at Prince William Forest National Park. Saturday morning you may choose meditation or yoga followed by an early breakfast.
Then the Opening Ceremony will will begin by gathering in the Field, where we will create a ritual space and honor the generative energy that powers our contributions to the world.
The morning will end with a small group activity intended to help center us for the remainder of the weekend.

Saturday Workshops

~ At noon there will be an opportunity for wonderful lunchtime sharing, making new friends, and catching up with men we haven’t seen for a time.
~ This will be followed by workshops sessions where you are free to choose from a number of planned workshops, all of which are planned to be experiential (some of them are new and have never been offered at our Men’s Gathering before). This time and place is for experiencing and feeling, not just thinking about life’s challenges.
~ Regardless of our agenda, you are always free to do whatever you wish.

Saturday Night Campfire, Celebration

Saturday night is a time of thoughtfulness, sharing, and community.
~ We will begin with the ritual procession, then the lighting of the campfire.
~ A special Evening Ceremony will include ritual dancing and a time for the
Talking Stick.

Sunday Morning Poetry and Storytelling

~ Sunday morning you may again choose meditation or yoga followed by an early breakfast.
~ After breakfast, men are invited to share poetry and drumming. We will be enchanted with powerful storytelling, followed by a final Talking Stick.

Sunday Afternoon Closing Ceremony

~ A powerful closing ceremony will end our time together before departure. This ritual time of closing completes the spirit of the weekend and you will not want to miss this time with your brothers. There will also be a time to relax and rest before we re-enter everyday life.You will still have plenty of time to return home Sunday afternoon.