We Invite All Men To Attend
Our 31st Chesapeake Men’s Gathering
September 9, 10, & 11, 2022
Our Venue in the Prince William Forest Park
We, the Men of The Leadership Council, are excited and pleased to announce that we have confirmed reservation for our first choice of Cabin Camp 2 in the Prince William Forest Park (in our Nation’s National Park system) near Triangle, Virginia as the setting of our 2022 Chesapeake Men’s Gathering! This is the same Camp as our 2021 Gathering.

You Are Cordially Invited!
Please join us! Mens Work is a community of strong and authentic men whose goal is to empower all men to strive for their best selves, to become more effective workers, partners, and fathers, and to make our universe a better place. It is a program of the Washington Men’s Council, founded in 1990 and located in Washington DC