Current weather near our Campsite in the PrinceWilliam Forest Park. Click the weather, above, to view the extended forecast for the area.
The weekend begins with a buffet dinner from 6-7 p.m. Friday. The opening program begins at 7:30 p.m. We encourage you to arrive early. Planned events end at 3:00 p.m. Sunday.
This weekend includes powerful rituals such as the talking stick, drumming, a bonfire gathering, storytelling, poetry, workshops, breath work, and small group exercises. Throughout the weekend, the experiential activities encourage us to honor ourselves and share the passions, paths and purposes that enrich our lives.
Workshops: These are held on a wide variety of topics. If you would like to present a workshop or discuss an idea for one, please contact Kent Hudson at
Several generations of men and boys are present at the weekend providing a unique opportunity to refresh family bonds. The key to a positive, safe and successful boys experience is active supervision and participation by fathers and guardians, as well as the support of other men.
Our philosophy is that boys need space to play, explore, and be boys, but they also need clear structure, boundaries and rules to follow. Balancing these elements ensures the successful integration of boys into our weekend. Therefore, men who bring young boys should expect to spend the majority of their time with their boys, assisting with and supervising both structured and unstructured activities.
Those who bring older boys may need to provide less supervision but still need to be actively involved.
All fathers and guardians must be willing to actively enforce boundaries and rules. A release signed by a parent or legal guardian for each minor is required.
Opportunities for boys (and their fathers/guardians)
may include:
- Field games
- Theater sports activities
- Drumming
- Face and body painting
- Structured survivalist training and nature-based activities
- And more.